Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mocking Jay Spoiler Alert

I've finally finished The Hunger Games series and, unlike what seems like the rest of America, actually liked the last book.  However, instead of giving you all the reasons why, I want to go straight into the Peeta vs. Gale discussion.  If you haven't read the books don't let me ruin it for you- stop reading this post now.

So here it goes.  I'm Team Peeta.  Yeah, I said it.  I like Peeta way better than Gale.  He loved her from the beginning... it didn't take him years to feel that way and he certainly didn't have the advantage of her time and attention which Gale did and still took forever to respond to.  And sure, while I don't like some of the things that happened to Peeta in Mockingjay, in the end I'm happy that he got it together enough to have a real relationship with Katniss (finally!).   Lastly, I'm t.h.r.i.l.l.e.d that she threw in the epilogue; I don't know what it is but I love catching a glimpse into the far future for characters.  It's like I just can't leave the story at that point, I have to know more about the characters before I can be done with a book.  Call me quirky.

On another note, I can see why some might view the last book as a little abrupt.  Personally, I feel like I have closure and nothing went unanswered for me (again, thank you epilogue).  Plus, it jsut helps when I'm happy with an ending since that can make or break my opinion of an entire book.   I loved the series and so did Jake, we give it four thumbs up!

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