Thursday, January 7, 2010

Puppies...Come One, Come All

Ok, so if you know me (which I hope you do if you're reading my blog) then you know that I LOVE dogs! I grew up with dogs in my family and actually struggled with not being allowed to have one in the Hasselhouse during college- sad times. Anyway, now that I'm graduated and a working woman/wife I've taken even more seriously my intense affection for dogs and really want to get one. I have had countless conversations with Jake about whens the perfect time, what kind of dog do we want, where should we look, etc. etc. and I must say after our last dog sitting experience I think Jake is slowly coming on board with the idea...bless his heart.

So, after a lot of thought (and online research) I've convinced Jake that we need to start off with a smaller dog, nothing yappy and get our "big" dog after kids. The biggest hurdle with this idea however was getting Jake to agree with my plan. Imagine my surprise when Jake completely unprovoked commented that he could see the point in having two dogs "because they serve different purposes"...remember in the McCrowell household we only make practical choices.

So what's my point in sharing all of this? I need your help! We have dogsat Boomer, a Boston Terrier, on more than one occasion and that is the type of dog we're looking for. Something smaller that could live without a yard if need be, doesn't bark, likes to play, has a quirky personality, and cuddles!

So in doing all my research I've got it narrowed down to 3 breed options and need your feedback:

1. a Boston Terrier (bet you didn't see that coming)

2. a French Bulldog

or 3. a "Frenchton" (french bulldog mixed with a boston terrier)

What do you think? I could get any of them and be happy but I'm leaning towards the French Bulldog or "Frenchton". Oh, and if you have name suggestions too that'd be great! I am starting a folder on our computer with pictures of the ones I like (in regards to coat color and markings) with potential names and breeders/rescue sites as well- a little creepy??? I don't think so...Jake might.


  1. Love love LOVE this idea!! And I am all for 2 dogs-- aside from practicality, you might be able to adopt a bro/sis combo. And Hunter & Maxi would have cousins! (HA yes, I referred to them as my children and I don't care).

    Please promise me you'll look at shelters first! I understand that you might have to 'buy' a particular breed, but oftentimes amazing Frenchie's & Boston Terriers are in the shelters too. We got Hunter at Animal Aid in Hampton, VA and they have a TON of small breed dogs. If they don't have the breed you want, they also are good about getting in touch with specific breed rescue groups!

    1 vote: 2 Frenchies :)

    PS I promise to never leave this long of a comment again, it's ridiculous.


  2. Really jake is ok with not one man dog?

  3. it's not fair posting cute pictures of puppies...I say get one of each and let me keep one of them :oP haha!! when Tzu lets me get my boxer puppy we'll have play dates :o) which means you guys need to move to Raleigh :oP



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